Since this post is about Energy work, – the first question one might ask is, what is an energy worker? Or what is energy work?
What is energy work? The person who works with energy is labelled an energy worker. Now, energy work deals with the spiritual aspect of yourself, called energy or energies. Sceptical people divide the human body into just two categories “mind and body”. On the other hand, spiritual people have subtle bodies, depending on who you ask. Spiritual people will mention the meridians, chakras and aura. In addition, we also have an emotional body, a celestial body and a soul.
To sum. The energy label is all the other stuff/spiritual concepts that the sceptics don’t believe in. And it can all be labelled “energy”. So energy work is working on these spiritual bodies and working with these spiritual energies. The next question then is, what does “working” mean?
Well. The verb working with energy in this context is about manipulating energy. Meaning, – moving, creating, realising, sharing or giving energy. So “energy manipulation” is another label describing the same thing, a synonym.
An example of giving energy can be reiki healing, where you give energy from your hand to the needy subject. Creating energy can be – creating an energy ball or chi ball. Releasing energy can be released with EFT, TRE or The Sedona method. Generating energy can be done through Yoga, regular exercise or visualisation/meditation methods. Where you gain or produce more energy than you started with.
So now we understand the word energy and the words work and manipulation. But what is the benefit of working or manipulating energy? Well, it’s very central to a spiritual person. Since spirituality is defined as working with the soul, spirit or the unseen, energy is also unseen. The word energy can be used about everything you can’t explain by conventional means. By working with energy, you become familiar with it, get used to it, and gain experience. And thus become more advanced in spirituality and magick.
The benefits of energy work can be many.
The most obvious one is better health and the ability to do more and be more. Even in layperson’s terms, we talk about having the energy and motivation to execute. By working with spiritual energy, such as Reiki or Qigong – People report that they have more energy to work than ever in their daily lives. The difference between a lousy healer and a great healer is energy levels. Some healers are so good; it’s just unreal.
The same applies to other Spiritual powers; they require energy to make things happen spiritually.
For example, manifesting your desires will take energy. If you HAVE a lot of energy, then manifesting becomes easier. Having an Out of body experience becomes more accessible too! Since everything spiritual and unseen can be called energy, we are strengthening those sides.
All the psi abilities, Remote healing, astral projection, manifesting, telekinesis etc., require energy.
For example, if you create a shield, you do so by visualising a gold bubble around yourself. That is a perfect example of energy work. Another example of energy work is feeling the energy moving around in your body—both feel energy by moving your hands around or because you feel it from the inside. Feeling your body from the inside is essential in mindfulness. If you were to have a stiff neck, putting attention on your neck, the tension could disappear.
Another example is to compare a day at a job when you don’t have any energy to execute. The reason for this is probably a lack of sleep or healthy food. The same comparison is then valid for spiritual energy. It would be best if you had spiritual energy to execute spiritual stuff like healing, talking to spirits etc.
Energy work is good for healing, as mentioned. When you are moving energy around, you release energetic blocks. These blocks are blocking your well-being. The ideal state of being is a whole and harmonious state. The same can be said about emotional blocks; it’s not ideal. To simplify, if you have emotional blocks, you can’t express the whole range of emotions. If you have energetic blocks, you can’t express yourself fully energical or spiritually.
Examples of expressing yourself spiritually happen when you are healing somebody, and the wall or floor makes noises by itself. You are perceived as more charismatic. People say that some people have better luck than others. So you want to have good, positive energy circling in your body. Regarding health, Chinese medicine is based on this concept, – Expressing that meridians are energy channels in the body. It is also possible to trace your energy channels with your fingers.
If you work with chakras, then you are dealing with energy work. The same is true about the chakra – if they are blocked, you don’t function optimally. If we analyse every example written here, we can see that focused intention is in play here. To balance each chakra, you need to focus on the chakra to give it energy. Then your must express your intentions – for example, I want my heart chakra to be open for love.
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