How to use the power of the mind

The power of the mind can take many forms. What do visualization, rituals, and spells have in common? They are all extensions of an intent. You don’t HAVE to use any of the mentioned; it’s unnecessary. Results can be achieved by pure intentions, without any metaphors. Visualization works by describing or focusing clearly on what you want. The power of the mind doesn’t need to involve visualizations. Another way is to produce an intense feeling to get the same results. Results also come by using self-talk and self-hypnosis. Read more about self-talk and self-hypnosis here: How to do self-hypnosis – Self-help –
Inner pictures, sounds, or feelings are all extensions of an intent. The things you focus on will come to you. It is like a language; you express something and get a response. Your intent is the expression coming from you, and synchronicities are the answer from the universal mind. The spiritual guides are extensions of the universal mind. To learn more about communicating with your spirit guides, consider this: Communicate with your Spirit guides – Spirituality –
Spiritual abilities:
All the different spiritual abilities work with the same principle. It is possible to accomplish results with pure intention—ten ways to develop clairvoyance here: With practice, a person can train many different abilities, although it may take some time. One of the most powerful methods that are out there for developing mind power is The Silva method!

If you know somebody very into their rituals, you can send them this link explaining that the rituals and traditions are just an extension of their intentions. Focus intention is what creates results. If you want to learn about manifesting, programming and the law of attraction, read this:
Here are some exercises for you to try out to measure the power of the mind:
Place a coffee cup on a bench in a shopping mall. Have intentions. It will stay there, untouched for three days.
Imagine an available parking lot on a specific street.
See, in your mind’s eye, a shopping cart is ready for you in the grocery store.
Intend to receive a phone call within the next hour.
The key to results is realizing that you want it! You have to be motivated. This combination of focused thoughts with many emotions is the magical mix. Going into a trance will boost you, adding more power to your focused intention. Also, remember that what you wish to happen must not harm anyone. If it does, it suddenly becomes black magic. White magic is when your mind powers serve everybody involved. The universal mind will give more mana to white magic. Another way to get more mind power is to work in a group. Share this with your friends; maybe you can do some magic together!

Please write more about spiritual abilities.
Wow, interessting stuff!
I appreciated the examples! Please write more examples of how they use the power of the mind!
Only for the good! 😉
You are powerful! 😉
Another example could be finding a parking lot.
I once focused on a specific parking lot (1 hour before I drove from home) and yes it was the only parking lot available 😉