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Below you will find different blog posts that have been written by guest authors

How to beat jealousy image

How to beat jealousy

Jealousy is a bad feeling to experience. Jealousy is divided into two categories. First, the kind that is based on real facts. Second is the kind that is based on suspicion or little "evidence"...

How to astral travel image

How to get Astral travel - The techniques

If we follow the basic idea that the whole universe is consciousness, then this idea implies that there are several dimensions or worlds, that one can come in, from changing a little on their level of consciousness...

33 ways to a good life - Summary image

33 ways to a good life - Summary

Take vitamins, minerals and Omega 3. Avoid junk food, sugar, candy, chips and soda' s. Walk minimum 20 minutes a day. Turn off the blue light on your cell phone and turn it off at night.

how to clean up and clean your home image

How to clean up and clean your home

It can very often be a big step to make a home neat, tidy, clean, and refurbished. But what needs to be known is that there are many good reasons to do this.


What To Do If You Feel Way Older Than Your Age

Are you too young to hurt, feel exhausted, and/or struggle to fulfill daily tasks? Obviously, this is no way to live, but what do you do about it?

How to create a good mood and a cozy atmosphere image

How to create a good mood and a cozy atmosphere

Things you can do to create a good mood and a cozy atmosphere. Our days are different, some days are hectic, where you don't have time.

Strengthen your connection with higher self image

Strengthen your Connection with Higher Self

The reason why the wording here is to strengthen the connection comes from the fact that we all have a higher self. Which we always have contact with.

How to start exercising and working out image

How to start exercising and working out!

Exercise knows no age, and it is healthy for everyone! Exercise increases endurance, has a preventive effect against diseases.

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