Magnesium, the master mineral

Magnesium is an essential mineral for good health and optimal biological function. Magnesium is vital to mitochondrial health, benefiting more than 300 enzymes and more than 3,750 magnesium binding sites on human proteins.
Magnesium’s primary role is to create ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), the body’s energy currency. It also relaxes blood vessels, supports muscle and nerve function, and adequately forms bones and teeth.
Although supplements are recommended, eating healthy food is the best way to ensure an optimal magnesium level. A diet full of refined sugar, processed food, and flour is guaranteed to be deficient in this vital mineral.
Although some good magnesium sources include dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, avocados, oily fish, dried fruit, and dark chocolate, you can’t get enough of this mineral from your diet. Even if you eat these foods, it is wise to supplement with magnesium.
Five reasons bones need magnesium:
- Magnesium is an essential building block of our bodies and makes up close to 1% of our body weight.
2. More than 50% of magnesium is in our bones
3. Magnesium is necessary for proper calcium absorption.
4. Higher magnesium intake is associated with greater bone mineral density
5. Magnesium helps to neutralize the acid in our bodies, which would otherwise cause bone loss.
It would help to have magnesium for a reliable and healthy nervous system. It supports optimal heart health, increases cellular energy production; regulates blood sugar and glucose levels; calms anxiety, relaxes muscles, and deepens sleep patterns.
When your body is given abundant magnesium:
-muscles are less likely to cramp
-your heart beats perfectly
-your body moves more smoothly
-The mind is calm and collected
-you produce more energy
-your blood vessels become relaxed
When you become richly supplied with magnesium, every cell in your body works more smoothly, cleaner, and powerfully. Muscle tension melts, your restless heart relaxes, and your whole body enjoys true peace.
Magnesium uses the circulatory system and your blood to benefit every cell and function essential for life.
When the body is magnesium deficient, it can deteriorate cellular metabolic function, resulting in serious health problems. These health problems include anxiety and depression, migraine headaches, cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia, and sudden cardiac death, amongst other issues.
Low magnesium is an underlying factor in:
– High blood pressure
– Diabetes
– Alzheimer’s
– Fatigue
and many other diseases. Most people don’t get nearly enough of it.
It also speeds up the ageing process by shrinking bones, making people shorter and hunched as they age and more likely to suffer from a disabling fracture.
Every cell in the human body requires magnesium to survive because this mineral is necessary to produce ATP. ATP is a unique molecule that stores energy in our bodies.
So many people suffer from magnesium deficiency because most of us eat a diet lacking this vital mineral, which comes from processed foods rather than fresh, wholesome ingredients.
A magnesium deficiency will negatively impact your nervous system ranging from mild effects such as daytime fatigue and poor sleep to severe impacts such as fibromyalgia and depression.
When magnesium is low, you have a higher risk of:
-irregular heartbeat
-high blood pressure
-poor circulation
-clogged arteries
-muscle spasms
-cold hands
-muscle damage
-heart attack
Symptoms associated with low Magnesium levels in the body:
-hardening of joints and blood vessels
-panic attack
-restless leg syndrome
-varicose spider veins
We have all been told how essential calcium is to support healthy bones, cartilage, and joint health. While this is true, people do not realize that calcium cannot be absorbed and put to fair use in your body without magnesium. Our body is very good at expanding the available magnesium daily, which results in being unable to absorb the available calcium effectively. We then have the problem of using calcium floating ‘free-form’ in our system, eventually collecting in areas that aren’t needed and can’t be used.
An accumulation of non-bioavailable calcium manifests in aching joints, knee and hip problems, arthritis, and cartilage deterioration. It can also clog the arteries and cause endless physical ailments until enough magnesium can bring excess calcium into balance.
Magnesium supplementation can relieve coronary artery spasms and spasms of other muscles. There are many studies supporting magnesium’s benefits for the heart. For example, among animals with an atherogenic diet (which promotes plaque in the arteries), those given magnesium supplements have less likely to develop atherosclerosis. Besides, multiple studies have shown that intravenous (IV) magnesium, presented at an acute heart attack, reduces the death rate and disability.
Your sleep/wake cycle is regulated by melatonin, and this hormone is required to assist the magnesium in functioning correctly. This is why magnesium is needed, as it also plays an essential role in controlling stress hormones and reducing stress levels while promoting better performance throughout the day.
It is crucial to use unrefined salt. This type of salt contains an absorbable form of magnesium. Refined salt, on the other hand, contains no magnesium. Also, coarse salt is the source of more than 80 essential minerals.
Magnesium is also vital in detoxifying and minimizing any damage from toxic exposure. Also, it can uniquely optimize mitochondria and potentially prevent cancer while being great for general energy levels and athletic performance.
Magnesium is your body’s trustworthy energy source. With increased magnesium levels, your body can better deal with the ups and downs of everyday life and give your adrenal glands the fuel they need to keep your body functioning smoothly. Magnesium is your body’s energy currency and activates the enzymes that control digestion, absorption, and the utilization of the food you eat. Magnesium enhances your body’s healing rate by dramatically increasing your energy supply.
Modern living requires lots of energy. Many people make the mistake of thinking that eating more will give them the power they need. Unfortunately, many of the foods you turn to can deplete the amount of energy you have. Therefore, many people turn to other stimulants such as coffee, energy drinks (which are laden with sugar), over-the-counter stimulant drugs and anything filled with sugar to give them the energy boost they crave.
This is not a recipe for sustained healthy living. Your body gets a quick and damaging burst of high energy followed by a crash, often sending you looking for another quick fix.
This constant up-and-down will eventually burn out your adrenal glands – the more you force your adrenal glands to work in overdrive, the faster magnesium is depleted from your body. It is a vicious cycle. So, skip the coffee and other stimulants, load up on magnesium, and watch your energy levels boost.
Wide magnesium supplementation varieties are available with varying quality and therapeutic benefits.
Some of the most common are Magnesium powder, pills, and oils. Magnesium Bath flakes/ Epsom salt has long been a relaxing and rejuvenating substance in the bathtub. This form of magnesium is absorbed relatively quickly into the body; however, it does not have the same long-lasting effect as other magnesium forms.
Specialized forms of magnesium can be better absorbed than others and are better suited for different situations. Most magnesium supplements are blends of various ways and often contain other minerals such as calcium or potassium. The most basic magnesium supplements are magnesium glycinate, magnesium malate, magnesium taurate, magnesium Threonate, and magnesium citrate. More types of this mineral are available, but these are the most commonly seen in supplements.
You’d likely be best served with a magnesium citrate supplement if you have a few high-magnesium foods. Or, if you suffer from conditions such as SIBO or parasites, you would probably benefit the most from a magnesium glycinate supplement. If your interest in magnesium supplements is more focused on the neurological benefits, magnesium Threonate would likely be your best magnesium supplement. Your body uses each of these forms of magnesium in different ways, and to understand which one may be the best magnesium supplement for you, it’s advised to learn more about the benefits of each.
Magnesium supplements significantly benefit achieving optimal magnesium levels if you want to be sure you get enough. Different types of magnesium supplements provide other services and are optimized for different circumstances.
Below, you’ll find a brief overview of the most common types of magnesium and which situations are best suited.
Magnesium Glycinate is the magnesium salt of a compound called glycine—an amino acid. These magnesium forms are commonly found in ‘chelated’ magnesium products and are the most easily absorbable for your body. Health professionals often recommend magnesium Glycinate to patients seeking to raise magnesium serum levels to treat hypomagnesemia—the clinical term for magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium Glycinate is much less dependent on the stomach’s acidity levels and is thought to be absorbed by the body through channels utilized by amino acid absorption. If you suffer from a known magnesium deficiency, magnesium glycinate is usually the best option to help correct that quickly since it has a reasonably high bowel tolerance level. If you’re looking for a magnesium type that doesn’t cause diarrhoea, this is likely your best option for oral use.
Magnesium oxide is a less bioavailable form of magnesium used to treat acid reflux and sour stomachs. The low bioavailability of magnesium oxide makes it an ideal candidate for those seeking to alleviate constipation. This form of magnesium is commonly referred to as milk of magnesia and has been a common home remedy for centuries. This remedy is an oral solution for treating heartburn, indigestion, and stomach aches. When magnesium oxide reacts with water, it becomes magnesium hydroxide. Strictly speaking, magnesium hydroxide milk of magnesia supplements and solutions is magnesium hydroxide, meaning magnesium oxide has been mixed with water. This type of magnesium supplement isn’t recommended for those with magnesium deficiencies. You would likely hit your bowel tolerance long before you were able to add enough absorbable magnesium with this supplement.
Magnesium citrate is a combined form of magnesium and citric acid. Unlike most other magnesium supplements, magnesium citrate has an acidic pH and is often used as a food additive to regulate overall acidity. Magnesium citrate is only ~13% magnesium by weight—the rest being citric acid. When taken, this form of magnesium can attract water inside your body, pulling it towards your colon through a process known as osmosis. This use of magnesium citrate is often utilized by doctors preparing patients for a colonoscopy—since overhydration of the colour will lead to bowel evacuation. Magnesium citrate is an acceptable magnesium form to help maintain healthy serum magnesium levels. It offers your body access to an increased amount of magnesium while at the same time helping to regulate healthy bowel cycles.
Magnesium Malate is a magnesium supplement that is found paired with malic acid. Malic acid is commonly found in fruits and is ideal for targeted fatigue-specific conditions. Magnesium Malate has been used in several studies investigating magnesium’s ability to treat conditions such as depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Malic acid is integrally involved in your body’s Krebs Cycle, generating much of your cellular energy. With this in mind, it’s very conceivable how Magnesium malate supplements would help address issues such as chronic fatigue syndrome or depression. In recent years Magnesium malate has become a much more popular form of magnesium, and high-quality magnesium malate supplements are available on the consumer market.
Magnesium taurate is a form of elemental magnesium combined with an amino acid called Taurine. Taurine is thought to be one of the most beneficial elements in helping to promote longer lifespans. Research has shown that Taurine can reduce the risk of heart attacks by up to 80%, balance electrolyte levels, and promote healthy immune function. Additionally, magnesium taurate supplements have demonstrated the ability to treat cases of depression, vascular health, and the prevention of neurodegenerative disorders and migraines in clinical settings.
Magnesium Taurate can be slightly more difficult to find than other magnesium forms, but with the rising demand among health-conscious buyers—it is becoming more available. L-Taurine is a powerful nootropic compound that improves overall cognitive function and memory—this close association of magnesium taurate and Taurine. Taurine leads many to believe magnesium taurate to be one of the better-suited magnesium supplements for brain health.
Magnesium Threonate is a relatively new form of magnesium effective in treating neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.
Magnesium Threonate is a compound considered synthetic, meaning someone holds a patent restricting the ability of other companies to manufacture it. For this reason, Magnesium Threonate is often seen to be more expensive than other forms of the mineral.
Like many compounds in the body, magnesium’s ability to be utilized depends on several other compounds—notably calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2.
Bioavailability is a pseudo-scientific term that describes your body’s ability to utilize it. This attribute is best illustrated through the magnesium found in foods. Many foods are high in magnesium, but your digestive system has to first ‘unlock’ it. The magnesium found in many plants is often locked away tightly inside the cell structures of the plant. It requires complex enzymatic processes to make it available to your body. Magnesium supplements, on the other hand, come in already isolated forms.
Getting 310-420mg of magnesium daily is recommended for best results, although some suggest requiring as much as 600-900mg/day depending on your age, sex, and overall health requirements.
Many of us aren’t getting enough magnesium as the soil where food is grown is severely nutrient-depleted. Therefore many magnesium experts suggest taking a magnesium supplement to ensure you get enough.
Athletes lose more essential electrolytes than more sedentary or moderately active individuals. This is especially the case in hot weather; vigorous exercise can result in excessive amounts of lactic acid, resulting in lower performance and increased muscle weakness and pain. Taking the mineral regularly can help with reducing or even eliminating these issues.
Magnesium is considered a safe compound, with only a few mild side effects with magnesium supplements. A magnesium overdose includes excessive urination, diarrhoea, and fatigue. The chances of accidental magnesium overdose are minimal— and are usually only seen when testing for your bowel tolerance of magnesium. There is no practical way that you would ever have an overdose of magnesium from eating too many high-magnesium foods. The only natural way to experience a magnesium overdose is to take an excessive amount of magnesium supplements purposefully. Magnesium overdoses can present in some cases of kidney dysfunction—but in these cases, much more significant issues are likely.
Magnesium also has undesirable interactions with certain drugs, such as antibiotics, antacids, insulin, diuretics, and hormonal replacement therapies. You should consult your doctor if you are on any of these medications and plan on starting a magnesium supplement.
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I recommend you read the following:
– Dr Carolyn Dean’s best-selling book, «The Magnesium Miracle.»
– Dr Caolyn Dean/Video: « Why we are all Magnesium deficient»
– Dr David Brownstein; Natural way to health. December 2012 issue.
– Dr Axe /Video: « 8 warning signs of Magnesium Deficiency.»
– Dr Alan Christianson:
Jon Barron: Naturally Healthy News:
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I will start taking Magnesium after reading this long informed post 🙂