Here are some techniques for lucid dreaming:
Reality checks:
Check during your day for logical things that prove to you that you are in Physical Matter Reality (PMR). For example, jump,- if you land, then you are in PMR. Pinch yourself, – if you can feel it, then you are in PMR. Try sticking your arm through the wall, if it doesn’t work, then you are in PMR. if it DOES work, however – then you are in a dream. Another popular is to check your clock often, in dreams time will switch a second later.
Dream journal:
Write each morning about your dreams. It should be the first thing you do in the morning. reading about your dreams to, you should recognise certain signs that keep showing up in your journal.
MILD: Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams:
Repeat a sentence, like a mantra: ” Next time I dream I will remember that I dream”.
or “I am going to sleep in my bed” – If you then wake up somewhere else the logic should tell you that the last thing you did was go to bed to sleep.. Remember to say the sentences with focus and intent.
WILD: Wake Induces Lucid Dreams:
here you go directly from waking consciousness to a lucid dream, without losing awareness.
one way to do it is to recall a Previous dream. Visualize this dream one more time from beginning to end, to get back into the dream.
Mind Awake/Body asleep:
A popular method from the Monroe Institute – Where you practice lying still, without moving. This induces Sleep paralysis. Try to spread the vibrations or sleep paralysis mentally to different parts of your body. Some people visualize they are hit by a lightning bolt to spread the vibrations or tingling sensation even more. AFTER succeeding in getting your whole body to vibrate, you can imagine yourself floating, levitating or rotating to get your soul/astral body out of your physical body.
Breathing methods:
Breathe deep and slowly to induce yourself into a trance state.
Binaural beats:
listen to hemi sync, holo sync, brain sync or other products with beats designed for lucid dreaming.
Mugworts is probably the best one. Valerie’s tea is good too.
Reading books and watching movies about lucid dreaming. For example the movie Inception with Leonardo Dicaprio.
CAT: Cycle adjustment:
You wake up earlier than usual, usually 4-5 hours into your sleep cycle. Then stay awake for about an hour, then go back to sleep. This is very similar to WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) – Can be achieved by drinking a lot of water (or) mugwort, before bed, so you wake up in the middle of the night. After going to the toilet, – THEN use your intent to have a lucid dream
SILD: Senses Initiated Lucid Dream
Focus on your senses. For example your eyesight. then visualize how eyesight works on your inner mind. Then be aware of noises in your physical ears, – and then try to mimic the sounds in your visualization or imagination—the same goes for feelings. – Transfer emotions and feelings into your dream body.
FILD: Finger-induced lucid dream:
Here you move your fingers slowly while you are drifting into sleep. It is a subtle approach to a Lucid dream.
Questioning reality:
Ask yourself or a friend daily – “Is this moment a dream” By using logic you will know if it is a dream. So explain why it is a dream or not. One answer is to focus on “where this moment came from” How did you arrive here (from A to B) Dreams then, are illogical in that regard.
To learn even more about lucid dreaming – Read this: How to lucid dream – Spirituality –