How to achieve trance states

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Trance states

Trance states is an altered state of consciousness, where we change our brainwave activity. In a normal awake state, we are in a Beta brainwave state. There are many other brainwave states, and each trance state can be described here:

The benefit of being in an altered state, or trance, is that you can receive information differently than in a normal state. For example, some people can access their unconscious mind in a daze. In a hypnotic trance, you can remember things more clearly. You can, for example, place an episode from early childhood that you otherwise would not remember. In terms of magick and spirituality, trance is often used to achieve spiritual abilities. Some people channel, manifest or do automatic writing in trance states.

There are also non-spiritual things to do in a trance, such as changing yourself and setting goals.

Various methods to achieve trance states

There are many benefits of achieving trance states, and the good news is that there are many ways to accomplish these trance states. Below we will mention various methods and how they can facilitate trance.


Shamans are known for using drums in their rituals—drums in their cultural music work to put the shaman in a trance state. A shaman is a person who is said to be able to communicate with spirits in the spirit world. The shamans use distinct sounds to express an idea of an inner world. The drums are very popular for going into a trance and being able to travel astrally.


Music, in general, puts you in a good mood. If you have ever been to a concert, you can be amazed by the mix of music and theatrical performance on the stage. This is a form of trance. The same is true with listening to music since it changes your mood. It produces new thoughts and feelings, which you can use to motivate you in a specific direction.


Trance is sometimes defined as mental absorption and mental musing. Going to the cinema does precisely this. You feel enchanted in the movie when sitting in the dark, facing a giant screen. Everybody sitting in the dark facing a colossal screen puts this experience in a trance. You forget the outside world and get immersed in the movie.


I also put dreams in a trance category because you believe the experience to be accurate and are in an altered state of consciousness. There are many types of dreams, from fuzzy dreams to lucid dreams. A lucid dream can be magical, and you can even take it further. Using a lucid dream as a gateway to out-of-body experiences is possible.

Spike mat

Spike mats are known for getting you into a relaxing state of mind. Laying on a spike mat will trigger endorphins, a hormone that gives you the feeling of well-being. It provides better sleep and helps reduce pain and stiffness. Most importantly, a spike mat allows you to relax deeply in this context.

Binaural beats

This is a sound technology that helps you get into certain brainwave states. Binaural beats play two tones in each ear at different frequencies. Your brain then translates these two slightly different tones, producing a brainwave state. For example, if you listen to 100 Hz in the right ear and 110 Hz in the left ear – Your brainwaves will be at 10 Hz. Each Binaural beat names what brainwave state you will be in. The usual Brainwaves are Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave states. Binaural beats are famous for meditation, astral travel and relaxation. Binaural beats also help synchronize the hemispheres of the brain.


Hypnosis is probably most associated with going into a trance. In hypnosis, the subject only concentrates on the hypnotist’s voice and is guided into more relaxing states. The reason for going down into relaxing conditions is that the critical factor is down here. This makes it easier to give suggestions and commands to the subjects, so their mind will accept them and let them land. People may have difficulty letting compliments land, but in a hypnotic trance, it bypasses this resistance to get the necessary validation. Hypnosis is a popular tool for better self-esteem, stopping smoking and changing habits. Learn more about hypnosis here:

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You learned you would get dizzy by spinning fast in a circle as a child. This is a trance; you will see the room spinning after you stop. This method is probably the fastest way to experience a trance state, it takes a few seconds, and you lose your local awareness. I don’t know if you can use this for anything productive, anything to understand that your brain works in many exciting ways.

Breathing exercises

Taking deep breaths helps you relax, and you may also adjust your awareness by holding your breaths. In extreme cases, you lose your attention if you overdo it. But holding your breath and doing breathing exercises usually puts you in a trance. It can help you meditate deeper and get into your parasympathetic nervous system. Breathing exercises can also boost your energy levels sky-high!


Staring is usually associated with scrying and psychics staring into a crystal ball. This technique works because you put all your attention into one object. For example, staring into a mirror of your image in a dimmed room is called scrying. This creates a trance state because you will see your face change. Your face changes into other figures and beings—many people practising clairvoyance use staring to achieve their goals.


You will be relaxed when receiving healing, for example, Reiki healing. People describe good feelings and warmth after just a few minutes. They say they come into a trance, where you sometimes fall asleep. This works for both hands-on healing and remote healing.


They can put you into an altered state of consciousness, but it is not recommended as they can damage your consciousness AND make you addicted. The chemical drugs force the brain to open violently and are detrimental to your brain. Read this article to get free from addictions:

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Drawing and painting

Drawing and painting let you use the creative part of yourself, namely the brain’s right-side hemisphere. When you draw, a person gets immersed in their work. They concentrate intensely so that the only important thing is what they draw and the painting colours. Some people also draw in a trance and let their unconscious mind do the process.


Writing is also a creative activity. And you can get into a creative mode, trance out, and all you do is keep writing. If you are writing a fiction book, you may visualize all the surrounding details and people before describing it in colourful pieces. Visualizing and writing may cause you to get into a trance state. Some people also write only in a trance. Automatic writing is an example of using trance as technology for good writing. In automatic writing, you are in a daze, and your hand starts writing without conscious control.


As a game is a virtual reality, you might lose yourself in this reality and be absorbed by it. You enter a trance form by losing the “here&now”, forgetting about your physical reality and zooming into the game. This is true whether you are playing World of Warcraft or another fantasy game.

Car driving

When people drive a car, they sometimes arrive at their destination but can’t remember how. They don’t know how they get there. The reason for this is that driving is something you do on autopilot. You sit inside a car and see the environment around you pass by at high speed and get a sort of tunnel vision.


Reading can quickly get you into a trance. You have maybe entered into a trance by reading about the abovementioned activities. Because your mind has to translate the words, and you visualize the sentences. Sometimes some concepts bring you to memory, and you return to the time you first experience the situation. A good book or a good article can enchant and fascinate you.

13 comments on “How to achieve trance states

  1. Pingback: How to use the Power of the mind - Spirituality -

  2. Pingback: The benefits of brainwaves - Self help -

  3. Pingback: How to heal with your hands - Spirituality -

  4. Festy 84

    So many things to do to get into a trance!
    I felt I went into a trance state, reading about all these different activities. Keep em coming!

    1. author

      Thanks for the Kind words!
      we havet a lot of ideas, its about time ,- to be able to produce everything we want 🙂


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