The SMS game

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The SMS game principle


We have all heard about the 3-day rules. Well, there is a better way than to “play hard to get“.

Instead of having a standard wait response, waiting as long as them is better psychologically. So if the person you are flirting with is waiting 5 minutes before they answer, you wait 5 minutes. If they wait 1 hour before they answer your text, you wait for one hour.

If you follow this principle, then it will turn out well. Because if the girl wants to answer, that is often their “comfort zone” of tolerable waiting time in their mind. So by following this principle, you don’t appear too needy, but also not too hard to get.

Text, SMS, waiting, play hard to get, needy - The SMS game principle

You don’t want to come off as needy! Sending many SMS without getting any response is what is needy. There is a scale between desperate, interested, curious, and natural. It’s normal to be curious about a girl; you become interested after she has invested enough in you. Being curious makes sense for the girl in their mind. They may not be thinking about this logically, but this is how dating tends to work. Learn more about investing or the secret to getting liked here:

You are playing too hard to get leads to something called auto-rejection. This is a protective mechanism where the person rejects you before they think you are leaving them. Sometimes the solution is to be more available and to show more interest. The better fundamentals of dating you have, the more part you can offer. Learn more about the basics of dating here: The basics in dating – Dating –

Another thing to remember is that SMS is for making an appointment. Talking back and forth doesn’t make it easier to plan a date. Also, be careful with jokes and irony on SMS since you can’t see body language, the tone of voice and other micro gestures over text. There is no point in many smileys; one or two is enough. Read this to learn more about what smileys and emojis say about you. When you set up a date, you can say you are busy but are available on two different days, for example, Monday and Thursday. This shows you are not needy but also gives her a chance to choose.

Dates, smileys, flakes - The SMS game principle

Sometimes girls will flake, meaning that they change their minds. This is very common and happens all the time. Just say OK and ask for another time. If they ask for another time, this is a good sign. SMS and dates multiple girls simultaneously, and be open about this. So if a girl flakes, it is not a big deal. Never take these things personally. It’s just part of the game. If you like this post, share it with a couple of your friends and see their thoughts!

Some phones can show the other person you have “read” their messages.
It might be a turn-off if a girl understands you are using an SMS game on her. The time of the day you send an SMS can also be somewhat revealing. For example, texting her early morning signifies that you like her. Texting her late at the weekend can signify that you only want sex. Many guys choose to send an SMS in the middle of the day.

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