Preparation, principle and rules of magic

preparation, principle, and rules of magic

Preperation, principle and rules of magic image

In this post, I will describe what type of preparation helps do magic or manifestation. The word magic could be changed with MagicK or manifesting. Regardless of those three words, the meaning is: Your intention or will change/influence events and people.

In addition to writing about preparation, I will also mention some of the fundamental rules a person has to follow to manifest. The rules are more strict than t preparation. You could, in theory, influence things at a distance without the preparation, BUT – the probability of getting significant effects gets higher the more you are prepared.

All the paranormal powers/spiritual powers are different forms of manifestation. So when people speak of doing magic, they are speaking of manifesting something magical. The very idea of manifesting is paranormal. As described, it is possible to use focused intention to influence people and events at a distance.

How you express this intent can be varied; you could use symbols, rituals, inner images, or pure intentions. For the sake of writing simplicity, I will use the intention or will of the words. To use your will/intent effectively is good to have a calm mind. There are lots of ways to get a more peaceful mind. Focus on being healthy is always a good idea.

Express intent, symbols, inner images, rituals - Preparation, principle, and rules of magic
Part 1, Preparations for magic: 
Reducing the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in food will give you a clearer mind. You will feel clearer if you have avoided sugar for a period. If you then eat sugar, you experience that your mind becomes fuzzy. This is not worse than it was before you started avoiding sugar. The reason for this experienced gap is that before, you were living in an unclear mental state all the time. But you did not compare it, to be exact. So when you have experienced being transparent, the gap will feel horrible, and the fuzzy state of mind will be how you thought it before, without knowing how bad it was. The ability to concentrate is crucial for doing magic, so keep avoiding sugar and eat healthily.

preperation for magic, concentration, reduce sugar - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

Stress, tension, and traumas are also reduced by having a clear mind. The mind-body connection is there, so the tension in your body must also be released. Body therapy, like TRE (Trauma release exercise), the Feldenkrais method, is beneficial for dealing with this topic. Furthermore, Wilhelm Reich has some body-oriented psychotherapy. Keep releasing tension from your body to become more transparent in your mind. Also, massage may help in reducing stress and tension.

Exercising may help you have a clearer mind both because you are letting go of stress and tension when doing physical exercise and because the growth of a human being’s mental capacity will develop when you also develop physically And vice versa. Those two components, mind and body, grow with each other. It is clear and easy to see this when looking at kids that to develop, they need to be stimulated by both body and mind to become better in either area.

Now, your mind may have a lot of noise. Meditation may be helpful here. The more you practice meditation, the better you become at concentration and attention. You will also see the difference between noisy thoughts and what is essential in your life. You can also use other tools to address the mind, such as hypnosis or cognitive therapy. Any hypnosis that reduces the mind chatter is useful. There are many reasons for mind chatter, anxiety, low self-confidence, fear, guilt, etc. Here, “The work” by Katie Byron may be helpful for other cognitive therapy types. Working at it will lead to results.

meditation, the work, cognitive therapy, Sedona method, release - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

Some people also prefer the Sedona method to release thoughts and feelings. It is up to the person to see what works best for them. Sometimes you don’t know what works in de-traumatizing or deprogramming yourself. Getting better can have different reasons, but try other things out and take notes on the changes you experience. All the things mentioned are to reduce noise and chaos – to concentrate and focus. Other methods to release tension are discussed here:

Now, you have some ability to concentrate and focus. And these abilities can constantly be perfected and get better. The next thing you may want to work on is visualizing. Seeing detailed pictures is valuable as a good and helpful tool for expressing your intent. You can start by picturing a football. See the black spots on the white ball. Practices are seeing a ball many times, maybe for weeks or months, until you feel you can see this football. Then the next step may be to rotate or spin it. Rotate it on your inner mind, and see the colours of white and black spinning around in 3d. Also, when nailing this, try rotating it backwards and experimenting, turning it back and forth, and suddenly stopping and rotating it the other way again.

The next step is to learn to get into a trance and deep state. Learn to relax. And this is easy if you have released a lot. Lay down, focus on your breath, and feel how your body is sinking deeper and deeper down into the madras. Lay still. Feel how your body feels on the inside. Don’t move; lay still. Relax in every muscle. Pretend that one muscle after the other die. No life, perfectly still, relaxed, or in sleep. The next step is to picture beauty images. You see yourself in nature, utopia, or paradise. See pictures of rivers, green fields of grass, flowers, nature, see the sun shining and seeing a clear blue sky, etc.

relaxed, body and mind, manifesting - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

Now you are relaxed in both body and mind. You master visualizing, concentrating, and relaxing. What you do, after learning these three mentioned things, is to start manifesting and programming what you want. Now moving onward to the foundation of magic. More info on manifesting, programming and the law of attraction here:

Trance is a good foundation to have to be able to do magic or paranormal things. The power comes from the subconscious, so going into a trance helps tap into your power centre. Then what happens is that you “surf” on the inner net. The inner net is the consciousness system. You surf at this moment, expressing your intent. You operate at this moment, expressing your intention. Visualizing is suitable for communicating your intention. For more info, see the self-hypnosis post:

Since you have your preparation in order, it is easy for you to visualize and concentrate. The other word in the sentence “Focused intention” is FOCUSED! Meaning thinking, imagining, for example, an inner picture for a more extended period with intensity and then the intent of “Sending” this or posting this picture in the internal mind’s eye. Seeing another person, concentrating on another person’s concept, will signal to the consciousness system that you want to do something to this other person.

Preperation, Focused intentions, Counciousness system, inner net, - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

Then the next image may be white light beaming into this person’s body. Now you have concentrated on two images about who it is and what you want to do. The images represent your intentions. Then focus for a more extended period on the picture/movie of this person being beamed by white light. In this example, the concentration part means moving/changing/influencing and doing important things, healing.

There are other things you could use -Focused intention- for. Another example could be that you want a tremendous outer reality, so you go into a trance and automatically access the inner net. See a picture of you alone, then another picture of you being with a girlfriend, and you two are smiling (the girl is an abstract concept of “somebody” you fall in love with). Concentrate on this second picture for a longer time. What happens is that the first image can represent your situation now, and the second picture can represent your situation in the future. If you concentrate long on this, The coincidence starts to appear in your outer reality, and sometime in the future, the brick falls in place, the puzzle is finished, and your inner image becomes an Outer image (reality).

Coincidence, inner reality, outer reality, entities, guides - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

Other examples could be getting new friends, acquiring new knowledge, developing new skills, helping people in your career, or exploring the consciousness system. The next step on the magician’s journey could be to get in contact with loving and wise entities. Contact your helpers and guides. – The ones are given in a mission from the consciousness system to influence and communicate with you for growth.

What you do is get into a trance. See a picture of a wise and loving figure expressing the intent of receiving wisdom and communicating with your spirit guide. Concentrate on the image of you sending and receiving thoughts from a shining helpful guide. You can also visualize yourself walking around in your daily life and being so happy, appreciating the beauty of this world so much. Concentrate on the inner images of you being enthusiastic and joyful from learning and exploring new things daily.

learning, exploring, joy, ability to visualize, clear mind - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

These things can be programmed from the inner planes and be manifested in your outer reality if you have mastered being clear in your mind, the ability to concentrate, the ability to visualize, and the ability to relax and go deep into a trance.

Part 2, principles and rules of magic:

So now you know what steps to take to become a magician. The preparation needed to do magic.
In part two, I will describe more about the principle that it is essential to follow. When doing magic, things can go wrong, especially if you don’t care about the rules and principles; I will explain them here. Below are seven principles you may want to remember before changing reality.

The like attracts like principle:
This is all about what you send out coming back to you. If you are a loving person, and your thoughts are dominated by helping people and spreading love, those things, support, and love may soon come back to you from others. What you focus on also comes back to you. Do you focus on conspiracy and demons or abundance and health? It’s the same with your intentions if you have aggressive intent; aggressive things may return to you. If you want the best for others – others want the best for you. Also, when you talk to yourself, what is the dominating theme? This dominating theme may attract that situation or a person with the same type of “dominating self-talk in their thoughts.

For the highest good principle:
This is about manifesting things that are good for everybody concerned. If you are manifesting more money, you may also get more work and help more people in that carrier. The focus shall be on most people having life quality – then you will get life quality as a result. In this case, helping more people and working more will lead to more money. If you want to sell some products and make money, it means that your products are good and needed and that some people need them, and you can manifest that these people get those products. So everybody involved gets something out of the manifested situation.

PSI uncertainty principle:
I have explained this before. But I can repeat the principle. It is about not demonstrating paranormal abilities at a large scale to show off. The consciousness system will not allow that to happen. This is rare that you get the opportunity to do anyway, so it is best suited for an explanation for why paranormal abilities do not get proven scientifically. Or, if you want to try out to confirm your paranormal abilities with the strict scientific method and measurement systems – good luck with that! More on the PSI uncertainty principle here:

Growth principle:
The most common reason for people to experience paranormal events is to show them that there exists a bigger reality. If you want to expand, grow, learn, or mature, the possibility of experiencing something spiritual gets higher. The consciousness system wants to grow. So when you put yourself in a growth position, it’s easier to manifest spiritual things. For example, if you think astral travel is “cool,” that is not the right attitude, but if you want astral travel because you want to learn, grow and explore, then it’s easier for you to get to the other side. So it may be easier to manifest learning new information from somebody than earning money. It may be easier to manifest to hook up with a partner if you ask for you and here to exchange information or learn from each other.

Growth, growth principle, manifest, astral travel - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

Free will principle:
If you want to manifest or influence something, you must ensure that it does not violate people’s free will. If you’re going to manifest a new girlfriend, it is possible that this girl also wanted a relationship. So you attract somebody who already has an intention about it. You can influence people, but remember that you don’t do it out of ego because you, the consciousness system, don’t want ego, it intends to reduce the ego, so if you are surfing on the inner net with ego intent, the consciousness system might give you a lesson. If you try to control somebody else’s behaviour, especially if you pick somebody specific and want to maintain their decision space, you might get burned by the flames of karma. More about manifesting here:

Probability principle:
This is about you manifesting something likely to happen. You can ask for anything imaginable. So the things you ask for must be within the area of possibilities. Bigger things tend to take a long time then manifest than small things. You could try to manifest your house to levitate; nothing would happen because it violates the rules of this physical matter reality and is not very likely to happen.

Follow your life purpose principle: 
You will get even more power if you follow your destiny. Each person has their destiny to follow, to do what their soul is good at. If you find your call and your life purpose, the consciousness system can support you even more when you contribute to the greater good in this area. If you find your mission, you may experience having a conversation with your holy guardian angel. It may appear in a dream before or after an exam or a period where you are in the practice of this carrier. Or you could get this conversation before starting at a university. When the holy guardian angel appears in your dream, you will understand that this is the right direction you are moving.

life purpose, Holy guardian angel, destiny, souls mission - Preperation, principles and rules of magic

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